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Day 4: Ride Around the Danshui Bay; Shimen Ting

第四天: 淡水單車遊、西門町


Change of Schedule

We were so used to change and learned to live with uncertainty that we decided to change the planned ride around the Danshui Bay area while the conditions: weather, energy and time etc. were right.  It was a good decision, as the following day there was thunder and hailstorm!

淡水捷運公園(起點)-> 八里渡船碼頭 -> 淡水捷運公園(終點)

Ride around Danshui Bay

距離:        25 km

時間:           4小時

移動時間: 2.5小時

休息時間: 1.5 小時

平均時速: 10 km/ h

Cycling Road
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